This theme area deals with all issues directly pertaining to people in Tasajera. It’s very broad, and as Tasajera Tides develops, many of these indicators could become theme areas supporting their own framework of indicators.

Societal indicators influence both the community’s overall development and the lives of individual people. Behind the community’s downward trending school enrollment data, there are individual students with their own stories who are no longer going to benefit from education. The low crime levels in Tasajera mean that people are not limited by their level of security.
The Society theme area is composed of six indicators: Education, Security, Land Propriety, Governance, Youth Migration and Health. Some of these indicators represent issues that are universal to all communities, while others are specific to Tasajera. They have all been identified as essential to telling the story of the community.

You can navigate the indicators through the sidebar on the left or through the menu at the top of the page. If you want to switch theme areas, you can do so via the icons under the indicator information. Take a look around and please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns.

Economic indicators are essential for securing the long-term sustainability of a community.

The social dimension of a community influences the health and wellbeing of its members.

Environmental issues have a strong impact on the wellbeing of a community.